Sunday, May 23, 2010

Internal and External Customers

Giving Excellent Services to Both Internal and External customers

Providing excellent customer services is the key to success in hotel and tourism management. Great customer service skills will provide and create positive atmosphere to the workplace that nurture growths.

Internal customers are those who work for the company and partners of the company. They are are colleagues, peers, superiors, subordinates who work in the same companies, institutions or agencies that are positioned as customers and as the partners in getting the jobs done. Internal customers are important because you can only get the jobs done with or through them.

External customers are customers from outside agencies or company, an organization or individual that receives a product or service from the company.External customers are the reason of the business because they pay for the service that the company provides, and this makes external customers very important.

Both types of customers, the internal and external customers, are important to the success in managing hotel and/or tourism destination.
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